Schools, Then and Now

By Daron

On July 10, 2014 the collaborative group went to NCC center to gather information on gentrification and education. The topic that I was most focused on was education.The people that I talked to during the interview were fun and interesting because they revealed to  me how education was important and how it has changed over the years. I also  learned about how they grew up and where did they got their values and education from as well.One thing that I learned that really stuck with me was when one of the members explained to me that they had to help their parents with education in addition to themselves. I learned a lot from going to the NCC. I really enjoyed this experience and hope to visit them again.

They Say We Changed

Leilonnie Chase

My experience at North City Congress was AMAZING!!!!! I loved the seniors that I talked to and the stories they had shared with me about their history. From these stories, I learned a lot about how school was taught back in the 1960’s through 80’s. I’m really touched by the fact that I should be grateful for what  I have and have accomplished in life. I also learned how not finishing school did not determine the rest of their life. What I remember most is how they all grew to love their past no matter how hard it was and the fact that they didn’t let anything or any person bring them down, and how they wouldn’t change the path they have taken; with the exception the decision to not finish school. The fact that they left school to work shows me that the care and had to make really tough decisions in their teens years. I hope to go back in the future.


Education is Crucial to the Overall Development of an Individual

By Rickie Bellamy

I choose the education group because I thought it would be interesting to learn more about the topic. I would also like to know how education affects the people in Philadelphia. This topic stood out to me because education affects my daily life, such as me trying to get a job, comprehending things etc. To tell the truth, the topic seemed like it would be engaging. Finally, education helps people build their opinions and have different points of view on things in life. The topic interested me because education is crucial to the overall development of an individual.

Also it was compelling that education makes us capable of interpreting things and use information in real life scenarios.Also education builds character between people. In addition to this it leads to enlightenment through out the nation. Schooling gives us the fundamentals of life. Also I believe that the education needs to get better in Philly, and I would like to find out why schools are closing. Furthermore I want to learn about why Philly doesn’t have a lot of money for schools.

“Education is the Most Powerful Weapon Which You Can Use to Change the World ~ Nelson Mandela

By: Afiya and Tanika

We choose education because in Philadelphia, the School Reform Commission (SRC) continues to cut the schools budget. In addition to this, the SRC closed 23 schools that most kids attend. They do not give clear reasons why they do what they do, they leave that up to us to figure out. They put you in a school with a jail setting and a crowded environment and they expect us students to meet their expectations. Their expectation for all of the students, is to learn everything at the same pace that they want us to. They want us to pass all our classes to graduate and go to college to become successful.

Most schools have less staff and no counselors to help us prepare for college and to prepare us for the real world. All schools have to share a nurse and that can be a problem because if a student needs the nurse, but the nurse isn’t there because they’re at another school. How is this going to help the students? Most students go to a specific school for a certain sport because they want to get a sport scholarship, but they are currently unable to do this because most school have little to no sports.

We want to know if this is going to improve and build back up or if it is going to keep failing and not allow us to have a bright future.



“Education Beats the Beauty and the Youth.”

tumblr_static_1l065ki81t0k08ocs40sgs0g0 Gif Cred:

By Crystal Wong & Daron Leonard

My partner (Daron) and I (Crystal) chose education as our topic for the 2014 UCC Summer Program because we believe that without an education, a student can not achieve their goals and take advantage of all the opportunities they are given. Nelson Mandela once stressed “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” We strongly agree with this statement. Education opens so many doors for a variety of people. We know education is the only measure that is equal throughout the world, everyone has the capability of learning anything and everything despite their race, religion, gender, or culture. In education, everyone has a leveled playing field.


Photo Cred: Emma Lee/NewsWorks

“Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth.” – Chanakya

My partner and I believe that education is universal. Knowledge is the key to success no matter where you are located, even if you are located in a city such as Philadelphia. In the previous school year of 2013-2014, the Philadelphia School District and the City of Philadelphia has been arranging school budget cuts. They have attempted and succeeded to cut many various programs in multiple schools. As Philadelphia high school students, we believe we deserve as much funding as students in the suburbs receive. We are a part of the education group to help efface these budget cuts and find other solutions to the money situation.

Is Education A Lost Cost?

As a student currently being educated under the system of the Philadelphia School District, I chose Education as my topic of interest because it has become the foundation of my future and I am very passionate about where I will be going in life. I feel that many people consider continuing to talk about and pursuing the change of Education and the systems surrounding it is a lost cause because the amount of topics that center around it. For example: school budgets cuts, school closings, the school-to-prison pipeline, standardized testing, the cuts of extracurricular activities, and differences in curriculum in all schools. All this seems like too much but I think that is the exact reason this issure still requires involvement and hundreds of people to speak out about it. Change does not happen in a day. -Destiny

“So I guess our money isn’t good enough for you
So is my money, my taxes a lost cost too
You said you’re giving schools funds
To make sure the education system runs
But what about these budget cuts
Watching our school chairs grow rust
So is our education a lost cause
Thus I am the reason for the police sirens going off.
For I have no future with a low leveled education
I feel like it’s my time they’re wasting”

By: Leilonnie (#leilonnieink)